Your Word is Truth

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I am learning about my own heart these days through some rather harsh treatment I received. All of this has been for my good. (Romans 8:28) I have learned from the Holy Spirit that love is the answer. Paul, in talking about putting to death the “earthly things,” says also in Colossians 3:14 “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”

I am learning the absolute necessity of the people of God (and especially for those of us who claim that we cling to Biblical inerrancy) to obey these commands in Colossians even in the midst of passionate discourses on apologetics, or at home with our children, or in church meetings, or at the little league ballgame. I am learning a deep sorrow for my own lack of love for those that I may be arguing against. I am learning of my desperate need to obey God’s command that I be filled with the Holy Spirit moment by moment, every day, every year, until Jesus comes back for His bride.

I am learning much about how much He loves His genuine bride, the church of the living God! I am relearning all that Jesus taught in the amazing sermon on the mount. I am learning of the need for sorrow for my sin – and a radical reorganizing of my thoughts in order to align them with those of the Holy Spirit and His written Word. He has been gentle but firm with me over these last few weeks…He is teaching me that I will need to apologize to those who I have wounded and not instructed patiently – 2 Tim. 4:2. I am learning that I must read the whole verse or the whole paragraph or the whole chapter or the whole New Testament…and above all things put on love. This is an amazing love. It is the pure unadulterated love of God manifested in the face of Jesus Christ, in the Words of Christ, in the gospel of Christ and in the teaching of Christ. It is radically exposing my sin. So I am sorrowful and apologetic and wounded and forgiving and hopeful.

Forgive me Lord.
I love you Lord. Help me to feed Your sheep!

Love in Christ,

We should be abler teachers of others, and less liable to be
carried about by every wind of doctrine, if we sought to have a
more intelligent understanding of the Word of God. As the Holy
Ghost, the Author of the Scriptures is He who alone can
enlighten us rightly to understand them, we should constantly
ask His teaching, and His guidance into all truth.

When the prophet Daniel would interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, what did
he do? He set himself to earnest prayer that God would open up
the vision. The apostle John, in his vision at Patmos, saw a
book sealed with seven seals which none was found worthy to
open, or so much as to look upon. The book was afterwards opened
by the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who had prevailed to open it;
but it is written first–“I wept much.” The tears of John, which
were his liquid prayers, were, so far as he was concerned, the
sacred keys by which the folded book was opened.

Therefore, if, for your own and others’ profiting, you desire to be “filled
with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual
understanding,” remember that prayer is your best means of
study: like Daniel, you shall understand the dream, and the
interpretation thereof, when you have sought unto God; and like
John you shall see the seven seals of precious truth unloosed,
after you have wept much.

Stones are not broken, except by anearnest use of the hammer;
and the stone-breaker must go down on his knees. Use
the hammer of diligence, and let the knee of
prayer be exercised, and there is not a stony doctrine in
revelation which is useful for you to understand, which will not
fly into shivers under the exercise of prayer and faith. You may
force your way through anything with the leverage of prayer.

Thoughts and reasonings are like the steel wedges which give a
hold upon truth; but prayer is the lever, the prise which forces
open the iron chest of sacred mystery, that we may get the
treasure hidden within.
From Morning and Evening for February 21 pm – Charles Spurgeon

May we be willing to do the hard work of the kingdom…on our knees…and do it despite the violence continually waged against
it – forcefully and energetically proclaiming His greatness – knowing we will engage the enemy! (Matt.11:12)

As God works and as we pray and are faithful to obey His commands and faithfully proclaim the genuine Gospel there will be hope for the next generation! Below is a glimpse of hope realized in part…Enjoy and God bless!

The Words to this song…

I once was lost in darkest night
Yet thought I knew the way
The sin that promised joy and life
Had led me to the grave
I had no hope that You would own
A rebel to Your will
And if You had not loved me first
I would refuse You still

But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross
And I beheld God’s love displayed
You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me
Now all I know is grace

Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life

by Jordan Kauflin

We have been hearing some really inspiring messages on the greatness of God as seen in the creation account of Genesis 1.  Of course we are, I am finding out becoming part of a very small minority who have the audacity to preach that God literally created the heavens and the earth in six literal days.  No “long” gaps to fall into, no extraneous fluff of scientific accommodation to choke on – just the Word of God that in such grandeur and magnificent simplicity and purity telling how God made everything from nothing.

I was saddened to hear today that another huge group of believers – the General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God took a leap back from this doctrine by adopting this language on August 10, 2010…”given the limited information available in Scripture, it does not seem wise to be overly dogmatic about any particular creation theory.”  (you can download the file by clicking here)

After saying in the previous paragraph, “Nor do these accounts provide us with complete chronologies that enable us to date with precision the time of the various stages of creation,”  they get right to the point that they were driving to through the whole statement of what they believe about this issue…”the Bible is not enough” they puke out of their mouths!  NOT ENOUGH CHRONOLOGY??? What do you call SIX DAYS! WHAT STAGES!  God is not a man that He need more than six days!  There was no creative process here! God spoke and it was done!

It seems that the professing church is stumbling over themselves to not only appease the world but is desperate for their respect.   The Word of God and the fellowship of the Lord is not enough for these educated, sophisticated heretics…they want more, they want to be accepted and loved and accredited and revered…they want more.

Just like Rehoboam who wanted to please “the young men” instead of the elders who had advised Solomon his Father, the modern day leader in the “christian” world is selling out his flock to gain the approval of his peers.

God’s Word is sufficient in all things – wonderful and complete – sufficient to warn and teach – to chide and comfort in fact you could say …

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (II Timothy 3:16)

If you want to hear some great messages on creation from the Bible….click here!

When will we learn oh Lord?

And all of you
Is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with your love
And all I have in you is more than enough

It is the contention of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) that unity for Christians is all about people, especially leaders who they call Apostles. Because an “Apostle” in the flesh resides here in Redding it is no real surprise that so many young people trek here from every corner of the globe to hang out with him.

It is not the size of the “ministry” that is the problem, it is their teaching. Although there is a type of believing that is filed under demon faith (see James,) real faith is founded on the truth of God’s Word and is accompanied by a changed life – a life that seeks to glorify Jesus.

The teaching of the NAR gang is spurious. They demand of God instant healing and prosperity and fall into the worship of faith healers regularly. They don’t believe in original sin. They are not preaching about a real hell anymore. They discount the hope of heaven by demanding it “on earth.” They are looking to take dominion over the earth and enforce their versions of “kingdom” principles on this culture. They encourage young people to believe they are an elite Joel’s Army who can raise the dead and rule over all. Their real danger is their teaching.

I read with sorrow the story that ran in today’s paper here in Redding not only because of the suffering that the paraplegic now suffers, as it seems he should have been helped and not prayed for…but for those in my town who read the story and “dis” the name of Jesus. Young people believe what leaders tell them…Bethel should be exposed for bad belief that leads to horrible, culpable behavior.


A really robust and smooth coffee comes from the islands of Hawaii.  No doubt you have tried “Kona” coffee.  It is really something special, but it is very expensive.  Most of the time when I find it in the store it is a blend.  It is still pretty good though and costs a lot less.  It is acceptable, after all it is only coffee.  Smoothies are great because they are blended.  Frappuchino’s are good for the same reason.  But is everything better….blended? Awhile back my wife received some perfume that was bought on the cheap.  It was marketed as her favorite brand.  It was probably a blend of several perfumes that came together horribly.  She threw it out.

What is happening in the evangelical world is a rapid blending of  opposing streams of doctrine.   Many are calling for tolerance and acceptance and a unity around “Fathers” and not around doctrine.  So, the every day Christian is led to believe that really knowing what the Bible says is of secondary importance.  He would probably also infer that thinking about our faith and really getting down to a deep understanding of the Bible is divisive even.

This blending hit me in the face this week as I saw that Bill Johnson of Bethel Church here in Redding is going to share the platform with Dallas Willard at Jack Hayford’s conference in November.  Jack has a respectable reputation in the pentecostal realm even though he has some serious deficiencies in his doctrine as well.  But look at who he has reached out to…the man who is a real intellectual “bridge” to the Emergent Church – Dallas Willard.

This is a guy who promotes contemplative prayer and buddies up to Richard Foster and at the same time is deemed a deep thinker and is a professor at USC. In fact he makes statements that make you think he is a universalist (in other words everyone gets to go to heaven.)  You can read about Dallas here. But Dallas’ claim to fame is his deep thinking and philosophical reasoning that has made him a favorite of the intelligentsia. Those in the emergent camp love him. He has a deep educational background…he is a thinker!

Then you have Bill Johnson.  If Bill has not experienced a very recent visitation of an angel (or at least seen some “plumage”) he breaks out in hives!  He has never seen a faith-healer he didn’t like.  He is one! (or at least he claims to be)  Bill is near the top of the Apostolic throne room.  Bill loves guys like Benny Hinn and erratic  head bangers like  Stacy Campbell and wife-leaving, child neglecting Todd Bentley and Bob Jones and countless others.  The bizarre and strange are called “wonders” and “signs”  and “anointed” and “awesome.” Bill would never agree to God’s invitation….”come let us reason together.” (Especially because God called our sin “sin!”)

For Jack Hayford to blend together Bill Johnson and Dallas Willard seems so strange until you start to think of the fact that in the last days there will be a new type of “spiritual formation.”  A church will be formed that will be a universal religion – all religions will blend into a great monstrosity of unspeakable horror.  Eventually, having no taste for an apostate church, God will spit it out for good. His judgment…”bad blend.”

Bill Johnson and Dallas Willard may blend fine with each other – maybe they can each get into the other’s trances.  But, their errors will only confuse more issues and more people will fall into a Christ-less eternity as a result of this bogus blend.

God help us to get back to a genuine faith in the real God revealed so wonderfully in the Scriptures….before it is too late!

thanks for reading…


Cindy Jacobs reporting

...Cindy "The General" Jacobs aka the "Prophet of the Nation"... (as appointed by C. Peter Wagner)

I became aware of a really amazing prophecy made by the lady in the spiffy pink suit you see here. Among other things, she made some grandiose claims about Bethel Church right here in Redding, and if they turn out to be accurate, the prognosis for business in Redding is very bright!

Take a look at this…

And the Lord says that you will question whether you should spend this kind of money in this economy. But God says, “I am going to whistle and bring money from the ends of the earth. The queen of Sheba is coming, there are camels coming. From bringing the wealth from the Far East, the Asians, the Africans are going to bring their wealth, the Europeans the Middle East.” The Lord says, “I have wealth deposited across the face of the earth to release My glory as a place of glory. It is going to be beyond imagination and I am going to reveal in your midst what it will look like.” And God says, “Eye has not seen neither ear has heard, neither entered into the heart of man, the things I have restored for those who love me.” God says, “do not limit me to the current economy for I am not constrained by what is happening for this will be a wonder to many says the Lord.” (please don’t hold this gal to good grammer – when “under” you may not get the diction perfectly)

Bethel is in a building program – they say they have a mandate to build an apostolic resource center and they recently added a media/studio building to their holdings.  They also want to build a museum to house artifacts of past revivals. Since they are packed out every weekend and hold many conferences throughout the year they want to build a new sanctuary and other buildings at their main campus as well.

If you make it to the bottom of Cindy’s speech you will read this…

Because the Lord says, “I am getting ready to build this apostolic network and many people are going to come and say, “I need to join.”

The bottom line is that Bethel will be one of many networks that are really just “downline” organizations to bring about the real goal of this movement…”dominionism.” What is “that” you ask?  It is the plan of those in the River/Renewal/Apostolic/Latter Rain/Manifest Sons of God movement (that involves a majority of the charismatic world at this time) who want to dominate the culture by concentrating on seven spheres or mountains that comprise all of the culture of mankind.  They include – Arts & Entertainment, Business, Education, Family, Government, Religion and Media.

What Cindy told Bethel is that God is (through the Apostolic Network) going to regain control of society, and that He will take over – through Bethel Church – the two spheres of Media and Arts & Entertainment.   What is interesting is that through these two venues public perspective, ideas and even business itself are distributed to the masses.

But, Cindy Jacobs and Bethel Church are not following the written Word of God that gives the basis for all true doctrine.  They are following a false gospel and a dangerous one at that.  So, if they are not being inspired by the Holy Spirit of the Bible, then their plan to take over the planet, one sphere at a time is not “of” God either.  That means their real goal is just to “take over.”

Don’t believe me?  Here is another excerpt from the recent “prophecy.” Speaking for her “god”…

I desire to take over from this place and this area the arts and entertainment mountain.

Claiming to speak for God, this false prophetess is using the gullibility of millions of people who have been taken captive by a lie to foment an ever larger and larger movement that is devoid of the gospel of grace.  It is devoid of solid Biblical teaching.  It is devoid of the revealed truth about who God is and what His real plans for this earth and its people are. It is devoid of real power because it is not based on the Cross of Christ.  It is devoid of sanity because it is based on the utter nonsense of people who are out to scam people out of their money and ultimately out of their chance to even hear the precious good news of Jesus death, burial and resurrection as the only antidote for sin.  It is devoid of reality because it hardly mentions the sad state of all of mankind outside of Christ.  It is devoid of hope because it desperately avoids the truth of the coming judgment of a Holy God, so people are never even warned.

Imagine if no one on the Titanic was warned.  Imagine if everyone in the “Twin Towers” had died because the doors at the bottom were locked.  Like the false teachers of Jesus day who did not enter and were hindering those who wanted to, these so-called prophets are being used by Satan to block the gospel door to many.  Thankfully there are those who still preach the gospel and God will have His people by His own hand and because of His great grace.

Also by God’s sovereign plan the scammers may actually increase as they hope.  But it is a temporary state.  Their great cathedrals will one day give way to the mighty blast of the breath of the Son of God as He comes in power and glory to deliver His bride and destroy His enemies.

It is obvious that tragically, some true believers will get caught up in this madness.  I was, for a time.  But, God willing, I will never go back to empty and sinister schemes that will only end in disappointment and destruction.  From the Lord’s description of a similar looking contraption in Revelation 18 we read these frightening words…

“Come out of her, my people,
lest you take part in her sins,
lest you share in her plagues;

These days are very difficult as we feel the nearing approach of a Savior who will bring about a time of unparalleled trouble and tribulation before He comes in great glory and power to silence Satan and his followers for good.  It is even more difficult when those with such access to truth should turn so far from it and then lead millions more into the abyss with them.

The truth is… maybe these are not such prosperous times for Redding after all.

God help us endure to the end.


Samson was gifted and set apart by God. He accomplished great feats that brought glory to God. But he let his eyes wander and they saw what looked more desirable than pleasing God. He fell into sin and immediately his gifts waned. But his fall started way before Delilah sold him down the river. He took a wife from the Philistines but God still had mercy on him and used his sin to bring judgment on Israel’s enemies.

Samson did not learn much as his eyes led him further into trouble. He should have trusted in God’s grace and put his flesh to death. Instead, he was fearful that his flesh was in danger. The Bible says this, “And when she pressed him hard with her words day after day, and urged him, his soul was vexed to death.” He was confused about which death to fear. 

Samson felt the pangs of death to his fleshly desires and gave in. The strongest temptation we face is when death is imminent. If he had gouged out the eyes of his flesh as Jesus commands maybe victory would have come sooner …Matthew 5 says this…

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’
28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.
30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.

Thankfully, because Samson turned back to the Lord by God’s grace and turned against his flesh and won the battle to desire God’s will over everything else. In his death he also dealt a blow to his other enemy, the Philistines. 

It seems that we don’t take our sins nearly as serious as God does. It reminds of the amazing statement of Jesus when he said…  “I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do.  But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him! (Luke 12:4-5) 

Strikingly, God allowed the horror of his own servant’s eyes gouged out of their sockets to actually occur. Amazingly, this led to a final victory over the enemy and to Samson’s name being included in the “Faith Hall of Fame.” Could Jesus have had this account in mind when He preached the sermon on the mount?  

We have the plain teaching of our Lord to allow His grace to put our flesh down without suffering the even more painful loss that severe mercy will bring if we don’t. 

Oh for greater grace to crucify our flesh and enjoy the full measure of His fellowship no matter what the cost to our personal situation. 

God bless,

Self-examination is a good thing, but it is a hard thing and can go very wrong if we don’t have help. It seems that in the crazy times we live in currently there is much to distract us from the good work of God in showing us areas of our lives not fully submitted to His control.

Then there is the work of the devil to be an accuser, for no other reason than to rob of us hope. His lies paint our circumstances with the graffiti of doom and darkness. This is tricky sometimes because there is a sense of doom that hangs over our country at this time. There is most likely the hand of God’s righteous justice that has allowed much trouble for our wayward nation – but this is not what I am talking about. Satan would have us believe that we are without hope – that our existence is pointless, that we are part of the darkness. He takes the trigger of our indwelling rebellion that is yet to be bent under the yoke of Christ and he squeezes to his shriveled heart’s content. “You are most certainly not a Christian,” he suggests. “You might as well just give up and join the world – you know you want to!” On and on he blathers – and sometimes, sadly we listen.

So it was for Paul the Apostle in the opening to the letter to the Philippians. There were many who were trying to make a living on the gospel – of course they hated Paul because He actually was the real thing and they knew they were frauds. So, they too joined Satan’s attack and demeaned Paul’s ministry. In the middle of the description of this battle there is a precious truth in verse nineteen. I hadn’t noticed it before this morning – maybe it will give you renewed hope again this morning.

For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

When you read this casually you would think, “Paul is on drugs.” How can this trouble he is experiencing turn out for his salvation. What does he mean by “supply of the Spirit.”

Paul would one day write that “all things work together for good to those that love God.” Is this it? Yes, but the object here is on another facet of truth. Everything that happens to us is under the umbrella of providence, but here are two sub-brellas for us to know about if we are to fight the good fight of faith and truly be those who are faithful to the end.

In the fight that Paul had with constant opposition, he so many times asked for prayer from those he ministered to and with. We must be in relationships where no matter what is going on we can reach out and ask that those who know us will pray earnestly for us. Without this asset in our war chest I believe we are in deep trouble. Somehow God weaves our prayers for one another into the fabric of our protection, supply, encouragement, inspiration. Something happens in our spirit when people pray for us. Real change happens in our minds – real solid encouragement and hope are restored. More than ever in the history of God’s people are we so privileged and so “placed” that we can influence actual lives for the kingdom of God than when we realize that we have access into the holy of holies – the very presence of God with our petitions for our brothers and sisters. How horribly lax I have been in this regard – how many times my focus us pitiably on myself instead of turning my eyes to Jesus and letting His spirit lead me into prayer for those in my life.

Lately there have been times I have been so discouraged and I sense that depression is knocking at the door – and someone comes along and prays for me and miraculously there is a change. The change is not always in the circumstance but there is one that happens in me. Then, when God does His work in me – out of nowhere there is hope as He molds the circumstances around me to show me that He is indeed in charge of my life.

If we are to do more than just survive this life I believe we must, more than ever, rely on the body of Christ in this way. We must reach out – be vulnerable – be real and be willing also to pray for others. This will lead us to believing God more and our hope will soar to new heights (see Romans 15:13.)

Now to the title of the blog. I started to wonder about that little word “supply.” It is two words in the original. The first is that of something or someone who is over something – it is the “Epi.” We use this little word in the medical field when someone is injected with an epidural – “over” the “dura” in a spinal column.

The second word is “chorēgia” and you can probably guess that we now use this transliteration for our word choreographer. – or dance leader – or someone who teaches a dance move and makes themselves available to coach and encourage and demonstrate for the dancer.

Paul is saying that through the prayers of the saints and the supply that the “Lord of his dance” gives, all of the current circumstances he is in will turn out his “salvation” which also means his being delivered from. He can trust that God is arranging his life using the prayers of his friends to actually turn out for his good and for Paul to go and be the person that God has desired him to be.

What is God currently arranging and choreographing in my “dance” for His glory and my good? Can we simply snicker at the attempts of Satan to derail what God Himself is “leading?” Will we take seriously the opposition of those humans who try and discourage and demean and for some crazy reason think that they need to “compete” with us? Or will we do what Paul did? – know that we need prayer from the body of Christ and we need to be submissive to the Lord Jesus as His spirit is working mightily to complete what He started in the first place.

Let’s go for the latter together, heh?

God bless you today!

How can I pray for you?
Would you pray for me?

Thanks in advance!

Hi friends,
Tomorrow should be interesting as Glen Beck holds a rally to try to restore Honor to America. Just remember to pray for this man that he would come to Christ and understand his own peril as much as that of the nation.
Below is an accurate description of the Mormon Jesus. Shocking it is, but it is the truth. America’s only hope is the Jesus of the Bible being honored for who He is. As the Lord said, “Those that worship me must worship in spirit and in truth.” (paraphrase)
I want to hope so badly that there are enough decent citizens who will begin a constitutional revolution that will bring our country back to it’s senses. But, I also am aware that our deepest needs are spiritual and on that subject we must not be involved in ecumenical adultery with Mormonism or any other politically expedient or agreeable ally.
God bless,

I am the Jesus Christ of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons). My original Church went through a total apostasy and I took the Priesthood from the earth. In 1820 by one account—as there are nine different accounts—I appeared, with Heavenly Father, to Joseph Smith who would be the prophet to restore my Church. I told him that everything the historic Christian Church had taught was an abomination in my sight and that all who believe in those doctrines are corrupt. I am the spirit child who was born first to Heavenly Father, whose name is Elohim, and who has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s.

Elohim was once a man who lived on the planet Kolob. He died and was resurrected by his father—after earning his way to godhood—as did his father before him, and so on back. Heavenly Father pro-created all of us through sexual relations with one of his celestial wives, and we are all his spirit children. I was born first; next was Lucifer, and then on down the line comes you. When the head of the gods—of which there are countless numbers—called a council of the gods I came up with a better plan of salvation than my brother Lucifer did. So I became the Savior for Heavenly Father’s children on earth. I was conceived for my earthly mission when Heavenly Father came down and had sexual relations with his daughter the Virgin Mary.

I sweat great drops of blood for your sins in the Garden of Gethsemane. Then on the cross I finished my work; and because of that atonement, all persons on this earth are going to be resurrected. And so now you have a chance to earn your way to becoming a god, just like me, by working the Gospel Principles taught by the Mormon Church. But be careful because my blood was not sufficient to cover some of your sins as my prophet Brigham Young once taught for me. He said, “There’s not a man or woman who violates the covenant made with their God that will not be required to pay that debt. The blood of Christ will never wipe that out. [And y]our own blood must atone for it.”
(From Ken Silva)